2012,03,22, Thursday
Memorial Exhibition of Nara Cultural Properties Research Institute 60th Anniversary
2012 SPRING SPECIAL EXHIBITION THE EXPEDITIONS OF GENERAL HIRAFU - Weapon, Armor and War in Asuka Era - April 14 (Saturday) ~June 3 (Sunday) (from 9:00 to 16:30) Open all days during the Special Exhibition At the Special Exhibition Room in Asuka historical Museum Admission fee Adults: 260 yen Collage students: 130 yen, High school students and under 18: free Organized by Asuka Historical Museum Supported by Yomiuri Shinbun The 7th century was full of the upheavals. The central government, seated in the Asuka region, endeavored to establish control over the northern territories by wielding its superior military power. It also sent out expedition forces to the Korean peninsula to assist the movement to restore the fallen kingdom of Paekche(Kudara) in vain. And the period saw the greatest civil war of the ancient Japan fought over the emperor’s throne. Nihon-shoki, the oldest Japanese history records the campaigns of a general named Abe no Hikita no Omi Hirafu, in northern Japan and abroad. In this exhibition we examine fighting gears of his army in comparison with the weapons of the northern tribes. The military equipment and system of Japan were much improved under the influence of Tang dynasty in this era. We would like to trace those changes through his eyes. Main exhibits Iron armor found with Buddhist relics under the Asuka-dera pagoda Ornamental silver sword fitting from Kitora-kofun Ornamental silver sword fitting from akamatsuzuka-kofun Sword with a coat of silver coil and lacquer from Iwauchi-kofun Archaeological remains from Nishishimamatu 5 site ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [AD]産地直送販売 生食用の天然岩牡蛎(いわがき)。日本海鳥取産の岩ガキは夏に食べます。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [AD]鳥取の夏の海の食材を代表する白烏賊(しろいか)。刺身で最高。高級刺身用のイカです。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [AD]珍味亀の手。塩ゆででカニとエビの味を混ぜて濃くしたような風味。お酒の肴に最高です。
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