Site of Kidera kondo, viewed from the west. |
Asuka-mura. Koyama
This was the "clan temple"(ujidera) of the Ki clan, a wealthy and influential family during the Asuka and Nara periods. The site is within the confines of the Fujiwara-kyd (completed 694),but the founding of the temple dates back to the reign of Emperor Tenji (662-671) . Excavations have confirmed the extent of the original temple grounds as well as remains of the sur-rounding temple wall, great south gate (nandaimon),central gate (chumon), golden hall (kondo), and lecture hall (kodo).The scale of the kondo approximates that of the kondo at the Kawaradera. At the kondo site were found senbutsu whose designs in high relief give a vivid impression of three-dimensionality.