 Site of Toyuradera (present-day Kogenji)

Asuka-mura, Toyura
It is said that this temple had its beginning after Empress Suiko moved in 603 (the 1 1th year of her reign)from the Toyura-no-miya to the Oharida-no-miya, following which move Soga-no-Umako, having been granted possession of the former palace at Toyura, made it Into a temple. Originally it was a nunnery. Tradition has it that the Mukuharadera, built by Umako's father Name, was located in one corner of its grounds. It also seems likely that the "north pagoda" referred to in historical accounts as having been built by Umako in 585 (the 14th year of Emperor Bidatsu's reign) on a hill known as ~no-no-oka, was in the same vicinity. Archaeological remains of temple buildings and a pagoda have been confirmed in the neighborhood which still today is known by the name Toyura. These include the central foundation stone (toshinso) of the pagoda belonging to the Toyuradera proper, which was erected in 634 (the 6th year of Emperor Jomei's reign). |