 Remains of Oharida-no-miya courtyard. A tree is seen standing in the center of the raised earth platform mentioned in the text.
 Gilt bronze pot from Oharida-no-miya site.
This palace was occupied by Empress Suiko for a quarter-century. When Ono-no-Imoko, emis-sary to Sui China. returned to Japan bringing with him the Sui envoy Pei Shiqing, it was here that the Chinese envoy presented his letters of accreditation. The site of the Oharida palace Is thought to be in the northern part of the present-day Toyura district (oaza) of Asuka-mura, In the neighborhood (koaza) known as Furumiya. In the Meiji period a gilt bronze pot with four handle-rings was unearthed here from beside a platform of raised earth. Excavation studies have revealed the remains of buildings, drainage ditches and courtyards to the south of this platform, and also such artifacts as sen (a type of brick) with lotus designs.
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